Structure session:
10h30: Opening the BBB room for testing:
11h00: Starting session (16 persons at the space of Varia + 15 persons online) – Round of introduction:
Name/Avatar – How you feel – Favourite/Worst tech – If you can mimic/noise please feel free
As you present yourself to the other participants, write your name below please:
11h30: Aims of the session, Code of Collective Care, Tools, any doubts?
11h45: Brief intro in the methodology possible uses and outcomes
Synthesis of the session for replication:
12h00: Break
12h15: Brainstorm the features of the world
Constellation 8/∞by Octavia Butler, MMGZ, Black Quantun Futurim
12h30: Combine the features to create new worlds
Check the different features of the world that have been created, choose four you like, one for each category, check who is listed after you in the list of participants and gave to that participant your 4 selected features:
Spideralex > ? : copy/paste the 4 features (Look, Feel, Functionalities, Usability)
? > ?: copy/paste the 4 features (Look, Feel, Functionalities, Usability)
12h50: Build the machines/devices/technologies
Draw/Map/Diagran/Build a device/technology and find a name for it, upload your pciture here:
Copy link generated as “see link”:
Copy your link in the Expo codiMD: (include below your name and the name of technology and its 4 features – Look, Feel, Functionalities, Usability)
13h20: Exposition and sharing about those machines
Let’s visit the exhibition of feminist technologies, every participant that feels like can explain the machine they did, what it feels like dreaming/envisioning it
Quick poll around 4 machines people would like to invent collectively a story about it together
13h40: Collective storytelling around the machines
Break out in 4 groups for writing a short story about the 4 selected feminist technologies using cut up methodology. Participants of the group need first to quickly decide on the following:
– Write the name of the feminist technology and its 4 features – Look, Feel, Functionalities, Usability.
– 1, 2, 3 characters that will be included in the story, who are they (individual, collective? human, nature,machine? what are their name, age, gender, location? are they creating, maintaining, testing, using, exposed to the technology). Write the info about those 1, 2 or 3 characters at the start of the pad.
– Depending of how many people in the group write those numbers below in the pad,
– Decide who is 1, 2, 3, 4 etc in your group. Numer 1 knows she will start the story, number 2 will prolongate it, last number that will close it.
– Timer for 7 minutes: Then everybody will start the automatic writing of one story around that invented feminist technology including the context/characters that have been decided whithin the group
– When the 7 mins are over, everybody copy its extract of text near its number. The story is ready to be read in pleanry with all the group.
Pad 1 Name machine/feminist technology
Jitsi room
Pad 2 Name machine/feminist technology
Jitsi room
Pad 3 Name machine/feminist technology
Jitsi room
Pad 4 Name machine/feminist technology
Jitsi room
14h15: Come back to the plenary and we read the 4 stories
14h30: Comments, closure
Literature / References:
Introduction: Radical Feminist Storytelling and Speculative Fiction: Creating new worlds by re-imagining hacking
Sophie Toupin, Spideralex
Hackers of Resistance,
Possible Bodies inventory, a collaborative research on the very concrete and at the same time complex and fictional entities that “bodies” are, asking what matter-cultural conditions of possibility render them volumetrically present,
Suturar los espejos rotos de lo imposible (Sutured Broken Mirrors of the Impossible), Lucía Egaña Rojas
Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice,
Nos permitimos imaginar: escrituras hackfeministas para otras tecnologías,
Think South: Reimagining the Internet,
Documentation Atelier Ondes Sauvages, Futurotopies Féministes – Bandits Mages par Spideralex + rAAdio cAArgo
Other possible methodologies for sessions:
Khipu electrotextiles prehispanic computer:
12h15: Brainstorm the features of the world
Look (What they look like?)
pink, black and shiny full of glitter
transparent, invisible, fluid
living earth, moist, obscure, nourrishing and refreshing
intricate, with a lot of details
like a cloud
very colorful
surface is transparent
liquid +1
colored shine ponwder
like a hoodie
crawling snail
bridges to different islands
floating in the air
vortex omnifugal
look (colors, sounds) change depening on the interaction with other users
it’s viscous and with many limbs
Feel (What materials they are made of?)
neuronal connections
mushrooms, soil, moss, plants +1
reused materials
smooth, like skin – probably organic
brushing of metal throughly
metal and jelly
organic indefined colored powder
soft cloth
metals, glass, soft textiles
expanded auras, it feels like sensing each other from distance, like heatwave that ‘touches’ your hair
Functionalities (What are their functions?)
limited memory
Hold in two hands, but still usefull in one hand ? ( for people who don’t have / can’t use currently )
>>> Hold in the all the hands you can use. Let rest in palm surface
renders you invisible as well
It swallows the pollution in the air, water, soil around you
It makes you travel back to the past, 5 minutes in the past maximum
Recording device preserving the memory of a space, place – making this visible / legible to the user.
makes you feel the exact same feelings of the person in front of you for 1 min
detects and throws out horribly smelly gas to possible harassers
not very functional, maybe a bit underwhelming
it gives voice to unhuman actors (rivers, forests, air, animals…)
exchange data between humans and non
neuro inducing status quo or feedback loophole
it only functions at random times
it only functions when two or more people are usinng it
it only exists when two or more people are using it
it is viral, it spreads
it contaminates patriarchal systems, capitalism
changes extremist minds into compassionate minds
AEX number scrambler
sharing emotions/moods in the form of soundatmospheres or visuals, smells, tactile sensations on the spot
a place to rest and dream, individually or collectively
connect to the matter and its history
for hugs
filters cis male authors from literature
summons mirrors
it contaminates human minds
it does what it wants most of the time
it amplifies solidarity
Usability (How can they be used? By whom? In which moments?)
to be used by everybody (any creature) in need of temporary (or lasting) invisibility
You can use it if you are female identified and are feeling super happy
You can use it when you sleep and dream in REM
You can use it only without speaking, you have to listen.
You point it to what you want to orientate towards, to find direction
>>> It can be used by disorientated subjects, who cannot ground
Animals can use them during the night by speaking, screaming, touching, stepping
Used by everyone, human, animal, plant
intelligent and self-replicating
it changes functions as it travels across different places
used by nonhumans
anyone with a tongue!
at anytime, by any feminist entity, to end situations of opression.
it can be used by anyone who embraces tenderness
in the dark
can be used by anyone in principle; however emotions/moods can only be shared between friends/users who have established trust
12h30: Combine the features to create new worlds
# Feminist Hack Meetings #3 Exhibition

Spideralex – The snake computer for dreaming music that makes you feel good
1. Like a computer
2. Made of wood
3. Make you dream with music that makes you feel good
4. To use it you need to befriend a snake that can activate the wooden computer

Nono from calafou _A breath of fresh air_
1. Transparent, invisible, fluid
2. Something that oxidates
3. It amplifies solidarity
4. Used by everyone, human, animal, plant

PLOT by madu
Look: vortex omninfugal.
Fell: neuronal connecions.
Functionalities: it gives voice to unhuman actors (rivers, forests, air, animals…);
Usability: it can be used by anyone who embraces tenderness

Cybertaste Memories prototype0 by Giada La gala
1.(look) iving earth, moist, obscure, nourrishing and refreshing,
2.(feel) bacterias,
3.(functionalities) Recording device preserving the memory of a space, place – making this visible / legible to the user. ,
4.(usability) in the dark

Diffrafluid Obfuscating Pathosmirror
look: liquid,
feel: reused materials,
function: changes extremist minds into compassionate minds,
usability: to be used by everybody (any creature) in need of temporary (or lasting) invisibility

(quentin=) Sp/-\ce Rec( )rder —}
look: glitchy
feel: textiles
functionality: it only functions when two or more people are usinng it
usability: You can use it only without speaking, you have to listen. Its the space that records itself at random. Humans cannot add to it in a direct way.
Sp/-\ce Rec( )rder is a multi-user tool to activate a listening to the space around you. It draws from hyper/sensitivity to different stimuli of surrounding, moving away from ableist / neurotypical centred norms of perception /// Not 101010-data is created, but feeling-as-fact and observations with subjectivity, in regards to {orientating to surrounding} and its different non/human components. This is a rhizomatic net of different technologies that capture in different ways subjectivities when sensing-space, and is hold together, making the net float up and down <<<

grgr, ✧
Look: SparkShinyLushRoseThornlike,
Feel: vortex omnifugal,
Fuction:a place to rest and dream, individually or collectively,
Usability: used by nonhumans

manetta, *sp-eech/it bubbles*; *sp-eech/it bubbles* can be used in your bedroom, creating entry points for unhuman actors to join you in your sleeping environment, staying close when you go through dreams to digest the world. Just like saliva, *sp-eech/it bubbles* contribute to the digestion and to the maintenance of neuronal connections with the world while worlding in your dreams.
Look: like a saliva
Feel: neuronal conections
Function: it gives voice to unhuman actors (rivers, forests, air, animals…)
Usability: You can use it when you sleep and dream in REM

**Karl**, *Rimatron3000*
put your tongue in and travel back 5 min
Look: like a cloud,
Feel: Metal and jelly,
Function: It makes you travel back to the past, 5 minutes in the past maximum,
Usability: anyone with a tongue!
 📋MusHEART door
MM > Rocío:
look: doors to unexpected landscapes
feel: mushroom and bacteries links
functionality: extract samples of emotions to be able to observe from outside
usability: use if you’re two people

seamfull archipel: can smell awkward. Press GO to start, when it gets to much press the button STOP. Can connect differents islands of emotion in one person or create archipels between entities You can play the CD after recording to feel the emotions again through sound, smells, images…
look: bridges to different islands
feel: seamful
functionalities: sharing emotions/moods in the form of soundatmospheres or visuals, smells, tactile sensations on the spot
usability: intelligent and self-replicating

**Foz: [[(Sun)L1dar1ty v0rt3x]]**.
Colour and sound that gives voice to any entity in interaction with another, expands auras, filling with love any other being expanding solidarity!
> look : look (colors, sounds) change depening on the interaction with other users
> feel : expanded auras, it feels like sensing each other from distance, like heatwave that ‘touches’ your hair
> function : neuro inducing status quo or feedback loophole
> usability; it amplifies solidarity

the dream tracer (yuxi)
look: crawling snail
feel: metal and jelly, neuronal connections
function: it does what it wants most of the time
usability: in the dark

the floating jelly
look: floating in the air
materials: metal and jelly
functions: it only functions when two or more people are using it
usability: it can be used by anyone who emraces tenderness

esoteric disruption in a nutshell
look : cold and dry
feel : very far away
function : disrupts and provokes
usability : esoteric practice

Estragon – (F)eminist (I)deas (D)ispenser
look: un-polished
feel: mental projection
function: bee duplicator/dispensor
usability: it does not exploit users

Blue-Green Algae Oil Coop. by andreas
Look – liquid: uses green-blue algae in water to produce CO2 neutral oil to power agricultural machines, house heating in winter, electricity generators if renewable sources are off and/or older cars (only if we need them once a while…)
Feel – reused materials: old compressor and pump; DIYed wind generator; enables to use old cars in CO2 neutral mode – no need to throw them away and produce new ecars (more trash)
Functionalities – It swallows the pollution in the air, water, soil around you: it takes CO2 from air and produces oil, also water cleans pollutants in air passed through
Usability – it changes functions as it travels across different places + intelligent and self-replicating: if generated oil is sold for solidarity price, the system can pay for wages, repairs and fund new installations

Vie – if the cloud was a cloud
look: floating in the air:
feel: hairy;
Functionalities: a place to rest and dream, individually or collectively;
Usability: anyone with a tongue!

DDjatá – Transcending_The_etc,_341_Hz_Heart_Chakra.fngs
-(look) vortex omnifugal,
-(feel) mushrooms, soil, moss, plants
-(functionalities) changes extremist minds into compassionate minds
-(usability) used by nonhumans

presentation text to read
Adele : mirror neuronal system
If someone who embracing tenderness stands in front of somebody else who embraces tenderness, they can send their thaughts to the mirror-neuronal system. This will trigger the mirror-neuronal system and one of their viscous limbs will reach towars them. The extremity of their limbs will open and connect trough their hairs via a warm magnetic field. This will make them feel the exact same feeling of the person in front of them.
This technology can be used in any situation. For people willing to share their feelings.
It is also quite efficient in cases of conflict.

ccl – only_in_the_presence_of_bats
– look: very colourful
– feel: metal & jelly
– usability: existing only when two or more people are using it in the dark
– function: ?
Marlene, wobbly communication[](https://)
look -liquid,
feel -soft cloth,
functionality -it only functions when two or more people are usinng it,
usability -in the dark

v: symbiowonderslime
look:crawling snail
feel: saliva
functionality: makes you feel the exact same feelings of the person in front of you for 1 min
usability: You can use it only without speaking, you have to listen
13h40: Collective storytelling around the machines