The Third Technoscape constitutes and is constituted of Singular technologies, like a stitching it binds different situations, each unveils the modes of existence of Singular Technologies within specific peer practices. The realization of the existence out from the market and into practice lead us to reclaiming their condition of existence”
3ts is a project by petites singularités based on a card game presenting issues and tactics for a feminist 3rd technoscape.
3TS card game has been put together in the prospect to bring conversation about feminist tech through a format that hopefully engages technical people, feminists, activists, thinkers to sit around a game set and converse. It is build on an assemblage of questions, lleasding to examples from the partiicipants and tactics from femist strategies, it aims to bring a systemisc view on possible tactics to resort to systemic tech issues.
We also use 3TS play set to open conversations when we organise residencies or workgroups, in order to bring forth a number of feminist concepts and associate them to practical issues. It associates questions to practical examples and tactics
The card game is under free art licence available for you to print online, but best if you want to have an exemplary of your own please send me a place where I can mail a card set and you will receive it within 5 days. Having the card game in hand is not mandatory to participate to the session but it makes things a lot nicer.
Languages: English, Castellano, Francais