Agenda: Screening Mushroom speaks

A film by Marion Neumann

THE MUSHROOM SPEAKS explores the healing qualities of fungi and their ability to regenerate. This personal journey takes on a walk alongside parasites, symbionts and decomposers offering ideas of both interconnectedness and collaboration. Driven by a vision of resistance, the encounters seek possibilities of renewal and question what connects us when the world seems to be falling apart. With mushrooms and their allies the film invites to imagine a myco-cultural (r)evolution. What if the fungus could help us address and radically change our relationship to this world?

Language: English – Sub French

Agenda: network of networks

Reti di reti, come rimanere in contatto e come trovare i punti comuni delle lotte per fare in modo di iattivare le possibilità moltiplicatorie delle reti. Reti sorelle di argomenti diversi che abbracciano la politica intersezionale. Raccolta di racconti di coesistenza ed appoggio tra strutture umane e materiali che si allargano geograficamente e tematicamente. Lavoro sul consenso e le attività che attuano una trasversalità multidisciplinare. Costruzione di un dialogo e disegno collettivo che sia riproducibile, ingrandibile ed includente. Ricerca radiante di solidarietà.

Language: it-pt-es-en

Notas en castellano:
La charla se centró en pesar en torno a redes humanas y de computación porque hay conceptos que coinciden. Se presentó como una charla experimental.

Todo es efímero, compartiremos ideas efímeras.


1. Redes humanas:

En la imaginación o al dibujarlas, cuando se piensa de redes locales y globales se trazan de la misma forma. El primer dibujo puede ser una red local. En una red global habrá un cojunto de nodos de la red local y otros fuera de ella. Hay personas que serían los “hubs”, puntos de comunicación entre estas redes.

Otras veces cuando se piensa en redes tiene adopta una forma en 3D. Por ejemplo: en THF cada persona trae diversos temas: tecnología pero también ecología, cuidados, arte. Es multidimensional, no una red 2D. Esta intersección puede darse en la dimiension geográfica, feminista, ecología, de salud.

¿Cómo gestionamos estos conceptos? A veces dividimos en temas y a veces encontramos temas transversales. Uno de estos temas transversales es consenso, que es diferente a estar todas de acuerdo o la unanimidad.


2. Redes de máquinas:

Los conceptos sobre las máquinas (las tecnologías) son creados por personas. En Internet, los diseño, como los de los protocolos son creados por cis-hombres blancos.

Sin entrar mucho en lo técnico, me fascina el nivel ISO/OSI,su niveles de abstracción. En cambio, el nivel físico es el más limitado. ¿Cómo lo arreglan? Lo arreglaran en binario, es lo único que existe en binario.

El nivel físico (el hardware) refiere a cables, red óptica, ondas electromagnéticas. Eso es lo binario. Encima de esta capa ponemos la primer abstracción: la identificación de tarjeta (MAC address), ésta serían los edificios. En la tercera capa tenemos otro identificativo que es el segundo nivel de abstracción que permite poder movernos en la red, es la capa de transporte TCP/IP. Hay un acuerdo de todos los protocolos para usar IP. Y, sobre IP hay otros protocolos, como UDP y TCP.

Hay otros niveles intermedios pero el último, al que llegamos en esta plática son las aplicaciones, es el software que se desarrolla sobre esos protocolos de los que hablábamos antes. En el software estamos mucho menos limitadas. Podemos escribir cualquier algoritmo o secuencia. Tenemos espacio para otras cosas no inventadas.

En el cómo funciona Internet (esta red de redes) es una acuerdo de no competición, de neutralidad de red.

Esto sería genial para las redes humanas, ¿por qué no lo hablamos má?

En el libro de Petterson “Redes de computadores” se habla del concepto “sliding windows” (ventana corredera) que sucede en la capa de transporte y tiene como objetivo la idea del control de flujo. En ese esquema, el algoritmo del emisor es inteligente y el destinatario es tonto. Pero el algoritmo falla cuando el destinatario dice al remitente que no puede recibir toda su información por ser más lento. Entonces el destinatario va llenando su búfer y antes de que se llene el búfer, escribe nuevamente al que envía la información si éste está libre.

¡La idea de mantener activa una comunicación humana en el tiempo y espacio es muy buena!


3. Preguntas, comentarios

#0: Las redes locales son muy diferentes viviendo en un pueblo o una gran ciudad. El concepto de local es difícil de definir.

#1: Encuentro este tema muy interesante, por supuesto hay gran paralelismo, también en conceptos técnicos. Hay servidoras arrogantes. IP es tan importante en la comunicación, que vas a usar esa dirección en esa comunicación, que es un acuerdo. Comprar una IP es muy cara. No existe en la realidad.

#2: La neutralidad de la red se concibió hace mucho tiempo. Pero ahora las grandes empresas intentan romperla y aplicarle privilegios y capitalismo. En la práctica ya se rompe y hay acuerdos comerciales por los cuales ciertas aplicaciones son gratuitas para todos los dispositivos (las uses o no) y por tanto para algunas personas que no pueden pagar datos constantemente “Internet” son solo esas aplicaciones de las grandes tecnológicas. El principio (técnico) de neutralidad de la red no se sostiene sin un anclaje (político) más amplios que lo sustente.

¿Qué es la cooperación? Tal vez la neutralidad de la red no fue diseñada desde el sentido de la cooperación sino desde una necesidad de utilidad.

#3: Paralelismo de ideas:
* local es la forma más limitada a los límites materiales para moverse y conectada al nivel físico OSI
* hay tres modelos de conexión entre servidores: p2p, federación, cliente y servidor. La federación es la forma más cercana a las relaciones humanas.

Agenda: Feminist choir practices

Time to exchange around feminist (and queer) choir practice as a way to organize and connect. The workshop can be divided into several parts (under discussion):

– Discussion and feedback on feminist choirs, how they can create local networks, spaces for exchange and organization, street actions

– Practical workshop : transmission and exchange of queer feminist songs (several songs possible in English, Castilian, French, Italian) participants can bring songs to share!

– If the participants are motivated: collective writing of a trans hack feminist / cyberfeminist song

Language: English



We exchanged about our practices, then made vocal training and lear 3 songs :

Smash All the nations > we add new voices

Smash smash Smash all the nations
We are the queer feminist generation
We will fight your gender bias
We destroy all the machist spaces
Girls and trans and all the enbies
We will start a revolution
We will take some direct action
We will find a new direction

Occupiamola > italian transfeminist song

Cyborg witches > we change the lyric so they becom more cyber/hack feminism :

Who are the witches, Where do they come from
Maybe you’re great great grand mother was one
Witches are World Wide Webbing today
There is a cyberwitch in every feminist they say

Then we sang cyborg witches at lunch on the 3 august


Agenda: Feminist ninja: upgrading intersectional feminism with the hacker class

Donna Haraway wrote “I would rather be a cyborg than a goddess”; we ask, why not both? Feminist ninja is a myth that combines many myths: witch, whore, dyke, trans, indigenous, migrant… Cyborg is our species and hacker is our class. Informed by an anarcha feminist reading of McKenzie Wark’s class analysis, we want to raise hacker class consciousness as a part of differential consciousness – and hacker class struggle as a part of intersectional feminism.

Before the talk we will project a video essay called “upgrading intersectional feminism with the hacker class”. It starts with a short history of cyberfeminism, introduces the political economy of the hack as a part of an intersectional feminist criticism of the hacker subculture, and ends with a call for feminists to take over the vectors of information as infrastructures where power resides. This video was made as an introduction to a series of feminist hacker workshops in 2021 at Ca La Dona, a feminist space in Barcelona. In 2022, Ca La Dona assembly agreed to form a feminist hacker collective and install its own servers; we will share the details of this process and ask for your help to progress.

Ultimately we want to talk about how to create a feminist internet through multiple levels of infrastructure and superstructures. What are the practical implications of including hacker class struggle in intersectional feminism? How to converge hacker class consciousness with differential consciousness? What can we do to make it popular and easy for feminists to learn critical skills like system administration? Can we construct a feminist fediverse of home and community servers? Can we have an internet without cis men? We hope this talk will be an inspiration for future collaborations.

Language: English & Castellano

Documentation node


Agenda: Taller de serigrafia para aprender a imprimir el logo de nuestra señora de la autodefensa feminista

Llevaremos la pantalla de nuestra señora de la autodefensa feminista y enseñaremos a imprimir con serigrafía.  Los parches sobrantes se venderán en el infopoint para recaudar dinero para el THF.


Durante el THF2022 se instaló una estación de serigrafía con chablón, pinturas biodegradables y retazos de tela para imprimir.  Uno de los chablones tenía la imagen de Nuestra señora de la autodefensa tech, para que quien quisiera imprimiera en su camiseta.

Descarga el PDF para imprimir aquí.

During THF2022, a screen printing station was set up with chablon, biodegradable paint and fabric scraps for printing. One of the chablons had the image of Our Lady of the self-defense tech for anyone to print on their t-shirt.

Download here the PDF to print-


Así queda una vez impresa / This is how it looks printed:

Agenda: Presentación de La Pluri (y propuesta secreta)

La Pluriversidad Nómada es un proyecto en gestación que surge de una experiencia política, creativa y vital, específica y situada. Nos hemos encontrado hace años en Barcelona, una ciudad en la que no habíamos nacido, participando de espacios donde se cruzaba arte y política. Los nuevos modos de hacer que presenta la Pluriversidad se conecta con estas experiencias donde las formas de relacionarnos, la creación colectiva, las conexiones internacionalistas, las vidas migrantes y el trabajo nómada condicionan unos modos particulares de responder a ciertas prácticas encarnadas: como el trabajo con el cuerpo, la identidad y la sexualidad, de instancias de autogestión radical, de precariedad vital. De aquí vienen nuestras experiencias y saberes y nos parece relevante darles un lugar como parte de los agentes que alimentan y nutren desde la base este proyecto actual.

La Pluriversidad Nómada como un proyecto pedagógico que resiste al monocultivo, rizomático, parcialmente autónomo y nómada que busca pasar del conocimiento uni-versal a un pluri-verso de sentido y saberes situados en el cruce artes, tecnociencias y ecologías. La Pluriversidad Nómada cuenta con los siguientes Institutos: de auto-experimentación, de estudios del pasado, presente y futuro especulativo, de fermentación y transplantación, de cartografías heridas, de dimensión material de las nubes, de traduccción y transferencia y el de oráculos.

En en el THF quisiéramos explorar especulativamente interacciones posibles con el mismo evento. Propondremos la conformación de un grupo reducido para testear registros transferibles, una práctica experimental y lúdica que compartiremos en el bosque y en secreto en un momento que definamos entre todas las personas participantes. Ese será nuestro ritual de despedida.

* Este experimento será dinamizado por las integrantes de la Pluriversidad Nómada Ce Quimera y Lucía Egaña

Language: Castellano, pero se puede participar en cualquier idioma

Agenda: Abortion garden

Part 1 (1,5h) : Presentation of the abortion garden and of other abortive plants that grow in Calafou, workshop in distillation methods There are 5 species in the garden: Yarrow, Tansy, Oregano, Sage and Rue. There are other plants in Calafou, that can be used for inducing menstruation such as rosemary, aloe vera and artemisia vulgaris. The first part of the workshop will start with a short presentation of biological and historical research on their effectiveness in inducing menstruation or miscarriage. Then we will collect the plants and distill essential oils from them using a microwave oven which makes the process much faster.

Part 2 (1,5h): Discussion on methods of collective self-experimentation Medical knowledge is based on a statistical concept of human body and standardized methods based on repeatablility of results. Individual properties of bodies and experiences of living in them are not taken into account. The aim of the discussion is to share experiences of collective knowledge making about our own bodies; see what is lost and what can be gained when we don’t perceive our bodies according to the medical average, but explore them in their uniqueness but also find things in common with other unique bodies.

Language: English

Agenda: Moneda Libre G1

Taller teòric – pràctic de moneda lliure G1

“El dinero-deuda es injusto e insostenible. La Moneda Libre nos permite cambiar de paradigma, realizar actividades en armonía con nuestros valores y con la naturaleza. La G1 es una moneda accesible a cualquier ser humano que quiera tender hacia una economía consciente, responsable, solidaria, y por todo ello libre.”

Idioma: Castellano

¿Por qué la moneda libre?

La moneda libre es un concepto que ha surgido para abordar los problemas de los sistemas monetarios utilizados hasta la fecha :

  • crisis
  • hiperinflación y pérdida de confianza
  • la monopolización de la herramienta monetaria por un pequeño número de personas, que tienen el poder de utilizarla para dar forma al mundo

La moneda se crea permanentemente en la zona euro, la que se utiliza todos los días.   ¿Cómo se crea esta moneda? ¿Cuánto hay en circulación? ¿Qué tan rápido está aumentando? ¿Quién tiene acceso a esta creación? ¿Qué representa este aumento en relación con la cantidad total de dinero en circulación?

En 1998, había 4300 mil millones de euros en circulación, 20 años más tarde casi 12.000 mil millones de euros.

¿Por qué conformarse con utilizar una moneda única cuyas normas no hemos elegido, sobre las que no tenemos ningún control: ni su creación ni su distribución? El acceso a esta moneda creada toma la forma de una lucha entre individuos. ¿Por qué no podemos estimar, producir e intercambiar valores en otro repositorio?

Proponemos una moneda que permita revisar el acceso a la creación: la Moneda Libre.


Presentation slides download here


Agenda: Hacer justicia: poder/corresponsabilidad, transformación y acompañamiento psicosocial

En este laboratorio de dos sesiones buscamos abordar algunos de los aprendizajes que hemos encontrado en torno a procesos de denuncia al interior de organizaciones y espacios de resistencia política; para compartir herramientas que nos permitan identificar las dinámicas de poder y cuestionarnos en torno a los procesos de corresponsabilidad para atender, desescalar y reconocer conflictos: pensando en procesos que reparen el daño y a la vez garanticen la no repetición de las condiciones o acciones que lo provocaron, sin depender de mecanismos punitivos ni la intervención del Estado.

Por otro lado, retomando algunas estrategias de acompañamiento psicosocial y primeros auxilios psicológicos, compartiremos algunas propuestas en torno a ejercicios que pueden apoyarnos para desarrollar habilidades de escucha activa que nos permitan entender las necesidades y circunstancias de las personas con quienes construimos nuestras redes de apoyo y activismo; con la esperanza de que estas propuestas nos ayuden a desarrollar las habilidades específicas que requieran los contextos o entornos donde participamos y resistimos.

Idioma: Castellano

Agenda: Als nostres conflictes! / CONFLICT.OS I&II (Owning Conflict.os & Bring your own conflicts)

This workshop is inspired by restorative practices and collective reapropriation of our conflicts.

I will take place in two parts, ideally of 2/3 hours each:
– the first part is an intro to restorative systems, ie to the way we take care of conflicts in our communities.
– the second is an intro to restorative circles, a collective approach to conflict care, with the help of either existing conflict or by using a tale we really don’t like and use it as a base for a simulated restorative circle.
Ideally, the participants of the 2nd workshop would have taken part of the 1st one and the circle would be 12 participants maximum.

Language: English



This workshop took place in many iterations, and was the occasion of several iterations of questions about how to reown our conflicts*, and move away from punitive, shaming and binary habits and choose collective ways to respond to harm.

Here are the notes of two of the workshops. 2 other informal workshops took place, with no notes taken.



We took a large understanding of conflict, that almost always incompass, structural violence and look at the mutual and lateral harm resulting of the culture with been brought in. At the same time, this approach, developped in the favelas of Brazil, recognize that we also already have wisdom around how to react to conflict and harm, and that it can empower us at the condition that we choose it collectively.

1.1. Seeing ourselves in community
We were about 5 participants= living in different parts of the worlds (Brazil, Germany, Austria, Canada, France) and started with a round of discussion around the place of conflicts in our communities by discussing those propositions : Communities are not primarily made up of those with whom I identify but of those with whom I share resources (material and emotional), with whom I share risks and with whom I persist.

Conflict is feedback within any system (organism, relationships, organization, society…) that seeks to preserve its form and which inform us that something has changed or needs to change

I am in community with those with whom I am in conflict

Conflict increases its volume to compensate for the perceived distance between those who are part of the conflict.

Security increases when we walk toward conflict.

Among the things that came up were the importance of recognize our capacities, and prepare for learning from what’s happening, and grieving to, for what is too big for us.

We talked of the tyranny of structurelessness and how lac of chosen (infra)structures or methodologies can foster conflicts, but also, how it applies to conflicts and structural harm, ie when we have not collectively chosen how to reply to harm,t there is more chance to create more harm.

A participant remember In sociocraty,  we try to make feedback not personal anymore.

After that discussion, we answered three fonfamental questions:


1.2. Nurturing the restorative flame in our communities
Our relationships include an organized response to conflicts, a justice system, inherited if not consciously chosen.



We made a little Legend to respond to those questions

∆ personal propositions

o collective or structural propositions


1.2.1 What do we currently do when conflicts become painful that works well ?

∆ When someone is hurting, respect personal time to rest and heal.

o In case of interpersonal conflicts, involve someone else who loves them both

o Get exercise / stay in bed, don’t drink/enjoy drinking

∆ Give people space/ give people a loving push when they need it

∆ Make feedback collective, not personal

∆ Share responsibilities for expressing needs/for giving support

∆-o If you can’t solve, try to dissolve


1.2.2. What do we currently do that doesn’t work so well?
Assigning blame

Judging who is right and who is wrong

Hiding from conflicts for ever

Letting inner and interpersonal conflicts growing and freezing/paralyzing us

Meetings for mutual feedback are taking a lot of times and we tends to postpone them sure to workload

Let 2 people solve themselves a pb (if in a group) without acknowledging as a group

using spread-sheets email, tech in general to try to solve conflicts

do nothing

putting one person in charge of dealing with all the conflicts


1.2.3. How do we dream it could be?
Have more free time to deal with conflicts for ex: money or regular income

Allowing ourselves the freedom to make mistakes

Having people open to learn/making learning desirable

A support network for things we can’t deal with alone (addiction, sexual abuse, structural violence… )

Emotional support network

Know how/Remember asking for help

Accessibility to therapy for personal & collective ways of healing


II. BRING YOUR OWN CONCLICTS (Conflict.os part 2 (Camping))

This second part was intending at practicing a restorative circle with an existing conflict, that affected one of us but not happening at THF.

In this 2 part, we were about 5-6 people again, all different from the 1st part of the workshop.  exept one participants and we did a summary of the 1st part of the workshop. We discussed in dept what happen in (not always so) BiPOC queer feminist trans communities

While looking at the 5 propositions, some reflexions came up such as:

If our response to conflict is exclusion, then that is violent again. Call out and cancel culture is often harming us.

If we talk of “toxic people”, we are already putting a label on someone and that is a preparation for exclusion. this is not going to help transformation

some prefer to talk of “toxic behavior”, so we focus less on the person but on what is toxic in particular.

It was also suggested that instead of naming a behavior toxic, says what s exactly harmful and how it is affecting.

After discussing the 5 propositions to look at ourselves in communities, we choose a conflict to practice together a semi simulated circle.


2.1. Semi-simulated circles
Semi-simulated circles are an opportunity to practice facilitation. They can also be valuable learning for all participants in the circle.

– It s good to work with groups of 4 or more with a conflict that is alive and active for one of the community members. It s recommanded to focus on the practice of facilitation rather than accompanying someone in a short conflict is made easier by not taking a conflict that involves someone else in space.

– The facilitator will make a circle with the participant for whom the conflict is alive. In the pre-circle, they identify a simple act, which fits into a sentence. It may be useful to identify an act for which the participant is the author or recipient.
Fictitious names may be used, for which it has been clearly identified who is the author, the recipient and the members of the community.

– In the circle, the participants do not engage in bad faith, nor in an imitation or an exaggeration. They come as they are, and as if they had participated in a particular act. Focus on the facilitation practice, staying in the flow of the circle rather than looking at how the participants are real or not.

– Use the process of mutual understanding, self-responsibility and agreed action. When we arrive at the agreed actions, remember that no action plan would really be carried by the participants.

Restorative questions : These questions are intended as a guide for you when you begin to offer facilitation pf restorative circles. It is recommended to use the questions as described below for at least your first 20 restorative circles, until their logic in this context is clear to you in the context, and be freely and precisely adapted for the people and situation at hands


2.2 Pre-circles

2.2.1. Identify the act :
Intention: To find a simple, clear and consensual key act.
To the first participant (initiator of the circle)
“What has been said or done that you would like to bring to a restorative circle?”
possible colloquial adaptation: How are you? What happened? Why are we here?
To the other participants:
“What has been said or done that leads you to be invited to this restorative circle?”

2.2.2 Understand the meaning:
Intention: To emphatically connect to the person’s current experience of the act, in their own words, in their own language. Seek to be touched and transformed by what you hear rather than to understand it cognitively.
While there is no particular way to do this, a guiding form could include questions that relate to:
– the meaning of the act
– the needs or underlying values ​​stimulated in the participant by the act in question
– the feelings, thoughts and images that comes from it.
You can also try to understand by rephrasing or trying to translate emphatically:

« Do you feel … (words or images describing feelings) … because ___ is really important, because you need __» (words or expressions describing needs or values)?

2.2.3. Share the process and agree on a supportive context
Present the proposed process – basic steps, dialogue and key principles
– Pre-circles
– Hear the meaning of what happened, for everyone.
– Inform about the process
– Know who should be there
– Confirm understanding and consent
– Circles:
– Dialogical process (reformulation of each intervention by a chosen/an other participant, for mutual understanding and so everyone feel heard and understood)
– 3 steps: (present-rehumanization / past-responsabilization / future-agreed actions)
– Post-circle: to check the agreed actions

Seek support of other affected members
Who: « Who needs to be there?»
Where: Look for a quiet and meaningful place + check if special needs.

2.2.4. Confirm understanding and consent
« Do you have any questions ? » « Are you willing to go ahead ? »


2.3. Facilitator’s pre-circle

(Note: These questions can be asked as is by anyone – a friend, an acquaintance, or by the co-facilitator to the facilitator. They help prepare, observe what may be more fragile, find support and make sure the facilitator feels prepared and ready to go ahead.)
2.3.1. Identify concerns/ideas
“What idea or ideas do you have of yourself, the process or the other participants that diminishes your ability to focus on the humanity of everyone involved?”

2.3.2. Understanding the meaning
Connect with the underlying needs or the values ​​stimulated by the facilitator in relation to his ideas, feelings, thoughts and images. Verbally verify your understanding in case of doubt or at the request of the facilitator. Seek less to “hear with precision” than to be touched and transformed by what is shared.

2.3.3 Confirm willingness to participate
“When you look at the steps you are going to take, is there something that comes
for which you think you need support? ”

“Do you know what you want to do to organize this support?”

“Do you want to go ahead?” (Achieve understanding and consensus.)


2.4 Dialogue process used in the circle
2.4.1 – Mutual understanding (- present)
The facilitator asks person A
« What would you like known and by whom, about how you feel now, related to the act / what happened and its consequences? »
Person A speaks to Person B and responds (in natural language)
The facilitator asks person B:
« What did you hear? »Or « What is the essence of what you heard? »
Person A speaks to Person B and responds

(note: if Person A speaks to everyone, someone rephrases it so that A feels understood)
The facilitator asks person A: « Is that it? » Then « Is there more? »
Repeat the same sequence with another person in the circle.

2.4.2. Personal responsibility (- past)

The facilitator asks Person A, “What would you like known and by whom about what you wanted to do when you did / said what you did / said?”
Person A speaks to Person B and responds
The facilitator asks person B: “What did you hear?” Or “What is the essence of what you heard? ”
Person A speaks to Person B and responds
The facilitator asks Person A, « Is that it? » Then « Is there more? »
Repeat with another person

Note: The discussion sometimes navigates organically from the present to the past … Follow the dynamics of what is said. When you feel a mutual and collective understanding of the complexity of the present and the past, (something in the hearts has melted) it is time to move towards the future.

2.4.3. Agreed action (- future)
“What would you like to see happen next?”
“What would you like to offer?” “What would you like to request?”

Note: Take notes of specific actions (invite clarity and precision). Send them to the group.


Investigate participants’ well-being

– “What would you like to know and by whom, how would you compare to the action plans and their consequences?”
Participate in :
– Celebration (when the needs have been met mutually), or
– Resignify (when the actions completed do not meet the needs), and / or
– Understanding, planning (when needs have not been met