Agenda: Anarchaserver performance

A sonic and visual journey to AnarchaServer, a feminist server, we will share futurotopias and narratives about Anarcha friendship with Essun and Momentanea. Readings, creative writing, instrument demos, tuning exercises to connect, transmit and be present in the electromagnetic waves. Feminist techno-speculative soundtelling, fiction and design gestures towards a set of geographies of the imaginary, allows us to reconsider and reshape technologies processes, institutions, devices, knowledge, bodies and artifacts…

Un viaje sonoro y visual a AnarchaServer un servidor feminista, compartiremos futurotopías y narraciones sobre la amistad de Anarcha con Essun y Momentanea. Lecturas, escritura creativa, demostraciones de instrumentos, ejercicios de afinación para conectar, transmitir y estar presentes en las ondas electromagnéticas. La narración sonora tecno-especulativa feminista, la ficción y el diseño gesticulan hacia un conjunto de geografías del imaginario, nos permiten reconsiderar y remodelar los procesos tecnológicos, las instituciones, los dispositivos, los conocimientos, los cuerpos y los artefactos…

Idiomas: English + Castellano


El texto que se leyo en la performance se inititula ” Anarcha, Essun, Momentánea” y proviene de la seccion narrativas de Anarchaserver disponibles aqui



Agenda: Hello from the dead > Anarchaserver Feminist Nekrocementery Archive

In this 2 hours workshop we will present the Anarchaserver feminist nekrocementery. In this sacred space we honor the memory of some feminist websites and media. This nekrocemetery is an archive of static copies of these websites. They are like a snapshot of when they were “alive”, when they were available online. We extract a static copy for reasons of weight, but also for security reasons. We will explain the raationale of the project, challenges and issues related to its development, we will explain in a hands on mode how to archive websitesand will also try to create a map of some feminist infrastructure websites that should be archived.

En este taller de 2 horas presentaremos el nekrocementerio feminista Anarchaserver. En este espacio sagrado honramos la memoria de algunos sitios web y medios de comunicación feministas. Este nekrocementerio es un archivo de copias estáticas de estas paginas web. Son como una instantánea de cuando estaban “vivos”, cuando estaban disponibles en línea. Extraemos una copia estática por razones de peso, pero también por razones de seguridad. Explicaremos la razón de ser del proyecto, los retos y problemas relacionados con su desarrollo, explicaremos de forma práctica cómo archivar sitios web y también intentaremos crear un mapa de algunos sitios web de infraestructuras feministas que deberían ser archivados.

Idiomas: English + Castellano

Documentation node

Structure of the session

Explanation of the project Anarchaserver Feminist Nekrocementery Archive

We discuss exemples of other feminist archives: 
What do they archive? Who archive? How do they archive? why they archive?

Some exemples that are shared are “Female Extension” by Cornelia Sollfrank (1997), the radio archive of the feminist radio rageuses that has over 15 years and Arte Útil case studies which show how these initiatives are not isolated incidents, but part of a larger historical trajectory that is now shaping our contemporary world.

Some tools to make a static archive of a website:


You can mirror a website using wget easily. Copy and paste the below into your terminal. If you’re on a mac you can install wget using brew or using your favorite method.

wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --page-requisites

Explanation of the various flags:
• –mirror – Makes (among other things) the download recursive.
• –convert-links – convert all the links (also to stuff like CSS stylesheets) to relative, so it will be suitable for offline viewing.
• –adjust-extension – Adds suitable extensions to filenames (html or css) depending on their content-type.
• –page-requisites – Download things like CSS style-sheets and images required to properly display the page offline.
• –no-parent – When recursing do not ascend to the parent directory. It useful for restricting the download to only a portion of the site.
Alternatively, the command above may be shortened:
wget -mkEpnp


Conifer by

For drafting the Obituary of an archived website please answer the following questions:

What was the purpose of that page?
Who were the people or groups that thought up and kept them online?
How long were they active?
Why were they removed?
Do they have the potential to live again?

Next steps:

We will archive and draft the obituary of the THF website once the website includes the documentation of the THF2022 and the archive will be available here.

We also plan to archive the Cyberfeminism index in 2023 preemptively and we hope to be able to support the archiving of the rede feminista autonoma that has gone offline.

We will launch a mini campaign among feminist networks proposing our feminist nekrocementry  in 2023. You can contact us at anarchaserver at autistiche dot org if you want to achive a feminist website that might go off line.




Agenda: Setting up infrastructure for your Feminist Helpline

Feminist_Helpline_ticketing_system_marialabThe goal of the session is to share about infrastructures, processes and choices behind a feminist helpline. The activity is divided into 2 parts:
-Presenting the choices, processes and technologies (human and digital) behind our Maria D’ajuda Helpline project (1h).
-Hands-on 🙂 Split into 5 groups to set up a ticketing system for documentation of cases Zammad   and digital safe spaces for communication (Jitsi and Mumble). (1h)

Languages: English + Castellano


You can download the slides here > Feminist_Helpline_ticketing_system_marialab

And listen to the audio of the workshop here