Final assembly notes

# 20220807 THF assembly
Problems con las lenguas y traducciones
thank you to translators
dinamica escribiendo, asi se propone modos de expresion
1. how to respond to klau email?
2. 2 questions
3. como lo habian sonyado y la gente se mueve fisicamente con esa propuesta
4. closing: precise thanks to ppl
5. biopolitics, accounting?
temporal limit [why not to give limits to intervetions?]
2h is too much, just 1h. In 1h is not duable, 2h. But with pause.
The documentation team met this morning and would like to present how it went
Propose some other topic?
Some body to take notes (me).
There won’t be time to read what we write. I suggest other team to translate the content in a pad (different to the person taking notes)
We should have a time keeper
We need also somebody that translate papers from castillian to English
## 1. how to respond to klau email?
Output of different discussions in the groups that were working on []?:
<< It’s call nurturing memories.
A group a people discussed the email THF ml without a predetermined objective.
Structure violence.
Speak for yourself and do not search for guilty people
1. proceso de coordinación mas abierta e inclusivo
>> Because there’s a time later to comment in paper, I propose to comment this process also here
If there are no comments about this, we can go the next topic.
I don’t remember the order but we have documentation and accounting
We’re happy about it, we learn a lot in the process. There was a collective process.
Cuales son los pasos para archivar y procesar la documentacion
The first place where to put documentation is the local server of Calafou. Upload more content and make a copy before leaving cause the content is only available here.
There was also the peertube (systerservers), where we where doing the streaming. There’s already quite some material there. If you have other material that doesn’t fit in one of the Calafou’s server existing folders, create another and it will be put in other folder in the peertube.
Peertube is still in experimental mode.
Somebody to put descriptions to the videos.
There’re pads for every session
Thank you for all the people documentation.
Thank to the auto-interview.
Thank to the radio people
We run out of time.
With respect documentation, is there any place to subscribe or something? Put your name on a paper to join documentation. We do it during the pause
We talk about accounting now.
We have enough money, at least we think so 🙂 have to be finalized. it’s a preliminary stake. We still have some things to take into account
It was a complicated process but we are thankful for people who payed in advance it helped a lot starting the logistics in advance
We also want to make it clear the reason to limit to 150 people (logistics, covid…). Many people canceled in the end so we reopened registration. ~122 persons joined.
There were 3 prices: 60, 130, 210 for the full week.
60% paid precarious price (60)
20% mid price
10% high price
Some peeps just gave out extra money. They didn’t want to be named
There are some organizations that helped us these days and we’re going to mention them:
    – bank expropiat (dishes, forks, …)
    – Vallbona municipality (tables and chairs)
    – people that came with audivisual material like la labomedia, evalab, others
    – eventinfra for the Access Points (APs)
Martina has to go, the bar accounting is with Gaia. There’re extra-things in the bar. What is closed would be great if you don’t open them so that they can be used for other event here in Calafou.
There’re still tabac and cigarettes if you still want to buy.
5 more minutes.
The debts is 111 euros. The credit i didn’t calculated yet, cause i wanted to ask whether they donate it or get it back. People should annotate it in the paper.
The group that coordinated this decided that the bar and the kitchen would be independent-affinity groups so that we don’t have to worry about it. We asked la conquista del pan for the kitchen and they did it, for a price of 7 euros the menu, we still have to contabilize that.
We think that the money that every person working will receive for every day will be ???,  1100 for the 12 days they worked.
With the bar, Martina, we propose the same amount as the bar.
Who decide to remunerate works as the kitchen and bar but no others.
There’s a group that was working on the organization since months. We all were in events in which we work for free.
We also pay to Calafou, 1600 eur for things at the water and to sostain the project.
We propose to make donation to ecosec cause they made the dry toilet infrastructure. We have thought about 250 euros.
Then we’d have 1700 euros in plus that we can decide what to do. It can change cause maybe we forgot to take something into account.
We have 102 euros of tabac to sell.
We’ll need to make the work of actually pay. We have to close the accounting thing and what to do with the xtra money. I don’t think this is the place to have this conversation. Proposal: we hold this money until the decission has been made.
Where to put propositions?, important to think about this together.
I talk for systerservers, we are at the end on how long we can mantain it, we’re precarious, we’re open to donations. Between other things we made the vido about ecosoc.
we don’t have administrative unit, so if we can have the money in cash
We need a break, there’s a question lesft: “how do we discuss suggestions of the money left”, so then maybe we try to agrree on the method and then we take a break.
I think the proposal is there, let’s do this more transparent, let’s go back to the hackmeeting and take a decission about the THF ml.
I’ll like a clarification on which ml we use, i don’t know whether it’s evident which is the list, how to subscribe, etc.
We can transparent the accounting in the ml. If nobody opposes to the donation (which one?, systerservers?), we just make it (or we just discuss it in the ml?).
Is somebody going to organize the next THF?, is nice to start with this money.
The next project can also do the same the ppl organizing this version, ask for those who could to ask for advance money.
This doesn’t have to be decided right now, but it can be in the notes, think about the ppl that was working here, as systemservers.
2 more questions and then break. Inform that there could be storm.
I don’t think the 2 proposal are incompatible, we can wait 2 months, what part we can donate to systerservers, ecoset and what money  to start with other version.
On the ml there’ll be propositions on how to distribute the money. Givinga  money to systemservers is also giving money to the next THF. It’s not only about the work here, but the invisible work done during all the year.. There’s a concrete petition to get this money in cash, so it’d be nice to already give some money we have.
The next steps are about what worked well and what could be improve. So if you think you’re going to leave, please write it before you leave or come back at 19:05 and we’ll have a musical about this project.
10min break.
back from the break.
we have been writing down on postits : what we have found nice and working; what we have found not nice or not working; what do we dream it could be.
now we read only the “dreams” part. No comment. See the pad with the notes.
moving to the “thanks” part. Everyone is invited to express special thanks to people or things.
// talking about the time we have.
// the dry toilets are full of shit.
lets do a little stretch and start sharing
(not taking notes, this sharing time is for the heart not for the brain)
# Transcribed postits
## things that could work better
## things that worked well
## dreams
* a safe event in a safe place
* round the clock program to accept and create more diversity links with personal rythms
* collective moment of free speaking for strategies out of events
* queer utopia
* believe victims
* an event that allows participants to be meeting in person but also allowing people’s input and participate from outside
* more queer-focused (“back to the roots”)
* a little bit more “radical-left” maybe
* awareness team not to be created last minute, and based on solid reasoned process
* when code of conduct violations are reported, nobody should be allowed to interfere with awareness team’s job
* * explicit list of countries(?) that are comming or not comming to the event
* stay in contact and build networks of support and knowledge share after the event
* i dream that it would be a next THF soon (with theme “transmission”)
* everyday trans not heteronormativity working groups invited
* consciously include an anti psychiatric approach in THF’s intersectional concept
* maintain rooted [digital] affective infrastructure
* more room for intimate situations
* a room for people in crisis
* a room for BDSM
* make the session proposals accessible by THF collective so people know what topics will and will not be there
* hack all the codes with genuinely transfeminist methods
* debate and decide and set together at the beginning of the event Codigos and tools (for example how to behave with translation and response and direct action for problematic/violent attitudes)
* have another THF take place outside Europe (and many europeans people also can come) ♥
* with queer body pratice at the core as well
* local coordination – public list for wider decisions
* a decision process that’s transparent while acknowledging implicit inbalance that is going on
* soft spots
* english is not a neutral language even if understood/spoken by many people worldwide. ♥ try contacting [bla] collective for translation support []
* Make the THFeminist list’s policy clear, because some mails don’t get through even though they talk about important topics such as transphobia during the event
* work on pleasure and desires too, not only on rights or brain
* focus on neurodivergent inclusion ♥
* make coordination process more open & transparent
* pleasure & care nodes = more effort into chill areas, BDSM/play parties, more body workshops (massage, touch, non-pharma medicine…)
* take time space, close your eyes and activate our dream state, together
* a big feminist place with a biolab, muchos espacio, a sauna, a lot of sugar, a lot of time, a lot of collective creation, experimentations…
* dreams, images, radicality, safety, diverse cultures and identities
* make it easier to arrive to THF
* have 2 THF per year
* have 1 day off in the middle of a week-long festival = could last ~10 days in total
* have a great internet connexion
* more accessibility to different bodies
* if in the summer, get the dates out ASAP = cheaper tickets increased accessibility
* time and space for : pleasure, bodies, sex and play, imaginaries, care
## what worked well
* good vibes
* exchanges
* learn with sisters getting to know new people
* dancing without macho on the dance floor
* beautiful incounters
* organisation (auto or not) crazily
* rich content
* the tech team do a really good job
* everybody here is amazing ♥
* people enjoying to skillshare
* performances and diversity of options you could do and experience
* warm atmosphere
* intense thoughts and doings
* blank spaces in the daily program
* diversity of proposition
* i got in touch with lots of interesting people and valuable connections
* i felt welcome to come alone to THF because of loving good communication of the orga email
* the spannish music on the saturday party was extremely good ♥
* the food was yummy
* i really liked the welcoming ritual
* there was many helpful, nice and understanding people
* strenghten connections
* good distribution and setup of spaces on the perimeter (relative to previous calafou events)
* having an awareness team
* the DJs and performers and VJs ♥
* i felt thf was the most comfortable place i was as a transgender person
* many queers and trans people attracted by THF
* we are become interact
* interdependency
* caring
* connecting wires
* disruption & euphoria
* soooo many good workshops
* all the love that was put into this ♥
* amazing workshops & time to meet everyone!
* food, and times
* the amazing work of the people that came earlier
* cooks and food ♥
* sessions design allowed for chill conversations, with less structure
* DJs
* VJs
* Kitchen and food
* ♥
* feeding (a bit) my imaginaries of transhackfeminism and cyborg, witch and translesbian identities
* not too too many workshops at the same time = could find some rest 🙂
* food, bed, washing machine… what a luxury!!
* the money management worked correctly
* chosen mixity instead of non-mixity
* diversity of practices and experiences amongst participants
* one-by-one self dish washing worked correctly
* the workshops, timetable, content, variety ♥ ♥ ♥
* people was amazin
* art and tech with a lot of energy
* the place is big and with a lot of space
* all the rest that i didn’t put in the “didn’t work well” list (and it’s more for sure)
* the bar and the bar team
* calafou’s community were welcomming and caring
* meeting very nice persons and having a space to discuss our ideas of T.H.Feminism and our radicalities in informal talks
* to make an incredible network of collectives very inspiring!
* food was amazing
* internet not working all the time and slow wifi (yes, “working well”!)
* DJ/VJ and performance worked really well
* mostly safe experience of the THF for me
* the smile and care of some people
* it was nice to have a lot of room in the program
* the loving, mature and compassionate response soome participants gave to klau’s email
* construir jeutes un espacio de cuidados
* parece que hubo muchos encuentras hermosos
* se nota que hay mucha exp. previa
* diversidad
* la comida y el autocuidado
* le creatión de redes
* aprender, compartir y soñar juntes
* comida exselente
* el bar
* las fiestas
* resolutión de conflictos y madurar el “email”
* los baños ecosec… incluyendo la limpieza (nada de asco)
* el working group de documentatión es el mejor y también la radio 🙂
* resolutión de conflictos y madurar el “email”
* vivir personas y no emails o video-conferencias
* la reciprocidar y la fortalecimiento de las formas de construir feminist tech
* muchas personas dissidentes con proyectos increibles
* el espacio fue lo suficientemente amplio omo para no sentirse rodeado de muchas personas
* las sesiones fueron muy buenas, todos los temas buenisimos
* metodologias que funcionan para crear no destruir
* muarte al internet
## What did not work well
* lack of radicalness in our political goals :
       – fight colonial, patriacal tech world
       – solidarity with struggle for indigenous territories and exploitation of workers in tech production
* think a way for resolving conflicts that is establish from the organizing team that has practical methodologies
* the covid “concept” was not existant. frequent testing please. more outdoor events
* avoid assemblies where possible : spread knowledge per snowball system, and digitally
* dysfunctional assemblies : one main language please, whisper translations, different room with better activities
* practice more non violent communication
* large discussions not working
* coordination not open and transparent enough
* pensar/to think real sharing and horizontal ways of collective work that contemplate the responsability, work flow and dynamics
* many queer and trans people disappointed because of THF not transfeminist at the core
* ventilation in hacklab
* give more credit to the people that do more “invisible” work like cleaning toilets, caring about others, etc
* no embedded space place-laboratory, too nomadic
* no clarity on where decisions are made (not in the public list for sure)
* no notion of how to listen to victims – justifications are not the way you face criticism
* horizontalidad y asumir responsabilidad
* where are the transboys and the fags ?
* cis hetero males should not perform or present projects
* more trans/degender visual for the posters and propaganda
* flow of information and decision in the THF mailing list
* missing hacking gender technologies
* not worry the THF about the problems of the histing place
* food : more figers, less carbon-hydrates
* digital communication channel prrevious and during the event for all (eg : THF22 mailing list)
* accept and manage more time and space for all the possible rythms of the people (the one who do their art at night for example)
* organization repartition
* sex and the body where not privileged topics – where post-porn and kink ?
* have a way to ask for help previous to the event with the network. it failed as exepected and could only run daily to fix breaks
* internet connexion in an event like this is basic to have good internet connexion.
* punctuality is a thing to get better
* unclearness of mixity of the event
* with a traduction team, tools & reflexion about translation issues
* big technical logistical setup & not enough people to do it
* need more singing choirs, writing lyrics
* mucha suspicacia
* calm down before making negative critics
* la gestion del conflicto y como nos relacionamos o accionamos ante un conflicto dentro THF. protocolos de gestion el conflicto
* not enough presentation and discussion of transfeminist theories and practices
* the denial that klau’s criticisms are legitimate and the attempt at silencing them
* missing queer and radical presence, lack of workshops in sexualities imaginaries and on the relation to our bodies
* tener otra vez el THF en el sur Glabal y platicas sobre decolonialidad
* contradiction on definition of self-organize
* discussion of systemic violence with space of Calafou and the relation to THF
* give more love for translation and ways to communicate, relate beyond languages and barriers
* organize the event in a season or time mess extreme, like the temperature
* digital communication channels previous and during the event for the working groups
* i would prefer the closing event more about reflection and celebrating, not so much about orga. maybe we can distribute some orga topics (eg how is money organized) to smaller sessions of 30 min during the whole event, not at the very end
* ambivalence of being topless empowerment vs exclusion for people with dysphoria
* es mejor tener menos sesiones para poder asistir a los sesiones
* me personally, i get annoyed by “safespaces/non mixxed ‘coz i quickly get the feeling ppl build connections through debating/talking about “problems’ with hetero cis-men which i think builds fronts and i also don’t relate to it (i’m not cis-male). i’m bad in words and probably mean something else that what people understate in the end 🙂 i feel that pointing out the macho-cis-man is a weird (sexist) statement, too. i know why and it’s reasonable but it’s important to differ having a safe space ‘coz it’s needed and starting to have problems with cis-men in general. think that happens subconsciously.
* freaking transphobia. at least 1 person left because of assumed misgendering. errr
* prepare better the technical material before we arrive or saber que no hay nada.
* too full program [execute]
* please no shouting at people
* la infraestructura del lugar no siempre que util y aveces se requeria a mucha energia solo para instalarse
* the internet connection
* discuss this assembly topics in other times, ml, and not just here
* give more credit to more people and not always to the same person
* podemos co-desarrollar formas de construir reparacion con personas que hansostenido estos espacios con sus cuerpos, ideas y valores, la necesaria puesta en comun de les problemas y tambien la necessidad de asignarlos a un lugar especifico
* lack of visible risk reduction resources (earplugs, sace space, condoms ext/int, etc.)
* thinking about accessibility needs (wheelchairs users for example)
* lack of more “physical” connecting moments (using bodies).
* lack of action in response to violent events
* debates about how things are done would make more sense at the beginning of the week rather than at the end
* would be nice to have short descriptions of workshops each day in the morning
* assembly saturday afternoon before the party so everyone’s not exhausted
* every place should be a safer queer space